Here is another lovely Blogger Template for you guys... the template comes with 2 column, with excellent header image and beautiful navigation bar at the top and rare 3d rss button in the sidebar.. This was a wordpress theme design by Ophelia Nicholson.hav a look at the Live love it!
and You can download this Gorgeous template here.
Please read the below instructions carefully:
1.After installing the template, you have to edit the top navigation links.
Scroll down the template and find this piece of code
and edit the links and respective anchor text's(eg:Home,About,Pictures...)
2.After that, again scroll down the template a little bit.. now you have to add your feedburner url
Enter your feedburner url (eg: in the place of YOUR-FEED-BURNER-URL-HERE in the above code
and Save the Changes.
3.And the final thing is.. you have to change your time stamp format.
Go to Settings �� Formatting ��
and change the format like the below screenshot and Save the changes.
tha't it!
Hope you guys like it :)