Another Gorgeous Blogger Template 'Zanblue' for you guys!

Download Wonderful Blogger Template "Zanblue":

Here is another lovely Blogger Template for you guys... the template comes with 2 column, with excellent header image and beautiful navigation bar at the top and rare 3d rss button in the sidebar.. This was a wordpress theme design by Ophelia Nicholson.hav a look at the Live love it!
and You can download this Gorgeous template here.


Please read the below instructions carefully:

1.After installing the template, you have to edit the top navigation links.

navlinksScroll down the template and find this piece of code

and edit the links and respective anchor text's(eg:Home,About,Pictures...)

2.After that, again scroll down the template a little bit.. now you have to add your feedburner url

change the feedburner url

Enter your feedburner url (eg: in the place of YOUR-FEED-BURNER-URL-HERE in the above code
and Save the Changes.

3.And the final thing is.. you have to change your time stamp format.
Go to Settings �� Formatting ��
and change the format like the below screenshot and Save the changes.
change the timestamp formattha't it!

Hope you guys like it :)

READ MORE - Another Gorgeous Blogger Template 'Zanblue' for you guys!

How to add Inline Comment Form under each blog post in Blogger

One of the reasons why so many people are switching to wordpress from Blogger is for the Comment form.The Blogger comment form sucks as people have to click on 'add a comment' then redirect to blogger and posting the comment... and most of the people are too lazy to do it (atleast myself).But, here is the good news...Blogger released this most awaited feature a couple of days ago... and let's learn how to add this to your Blogger blog (this works both for new blogger and classic blogger)here is the screenshot of how it looks:
Learn how to add this to your blog..1.First Sign in to Blogger Draft and select your blog and click on the Settings2.Next, Click on the "Comments tab"and select the "Embedded below post" optionand Finally Save the changes..that's it! I know most of you want to add this new feature to your blog as soon as you can...
READ MORE - How to add Inline Comment Form under each blog post in Blogger

Anchor text..what's the use of it..??

anchor text
What is Anchor text?
An Anchor text is the visible text which is clickable in a hyperlink.For example,

"Blogger Tricks -Your online source for Blogger Templates"

In the above line,.. the Clickable text i.e, "Blogger Tricks" is the anchor text.
While Search engines crawl a webpage, the Anchor text tells them what that linked page is about.In the above example, the Search engines assume that the linked page is about blogger,blogging,tricks,tips,...related key words and it helps that webpage to rank higher for that respective keywords.

But, some people who don't know the importance of Anchor text do like this:

"Your online source for Blogger Templates - Click Here".

In the above case, the Search engines consider the linked page is about click,here,etc .. which are unrelated to your site... :(
So, if you understand the importance of it and use it cleverly, it will increase your search engine rankings very effectively.. especially in Google and it's very important if you want your website to be in top 10 for a particular keyword.

so.. How to do the Anchor text optimization?

Simple! always use the related keywords as Anchor text while linking to any webpage.
If you purchased any incoming links,make sure that one of your top keywords is in the anchor text.The more inbound links your get with that keywords, the more chances of your site will make it to top 10.These small things can make a huge difference :)

READ MORE - Anchor text..what's the use of it..??

Nice 3 column Blogger Template "Clean Dark" download

Download 3 Column nice Blogger Template "Clean Dark":

As I promised before to design more and more templates for you guys,.. here is my latest entry "Clean Dark". The design looks very professional with three columns and stylish easy navigation bar at the top.
This was originally a wordpress theme designed by some unknown guy.... I found this theme yesterday when I was searching for some good wp themes.. and this one seems good looking for me and I converted it to Blogger xml format.. I searched for the theme creator but I didn't got any information.. Ok .. anyways thanks to him.

Clean Dark template screenshot

Template Installation Instructions:

[First backup your present Blogger Template before uploading any Blogger template]

After downloading the template, unzip it and next sign in to blogger dashboard �� Layout �� Edit html
and upload the xml file using the browse button and Save the Changes.

Next, you can change the navigation links to your desired ones..

Edit the top navigation links to yoursJust Scroll down the template code and find this below piece of code and simply change the links and anchor text.

Hope you like it!

READ MORE - Nice 3 column Blogger Template "Clean Dark" download

3 Column Blogger Template 'Nitelife' download

Download 'Nitelife' excellent Blogger Template:

screenshotHere is my new Blogger Template.The template comes with three column with two sidebars to the left and a nice main column.This was originally a wordpress theme by Ophelia Nicholson of I saw this beautiful theme today morning and decided to convert it to Blogger xml format... and completed the task in 3 hours..

After installing the template using the upload button in 'Template � Edit html' , you have to edit the top nav links..
this is how to do it:

edit the navlinks

Just scroll down the template code and find this part:

and edit the links and the corresponding anchor text.

Hope you guys like the template!
READ MORE - 3 Column Blogger Template 'Nitelife' download

Releasing Wonderful Blogger Template 'CREATION'

Download Wonderful Xml Blogger Template 'Creation'
Here is my today's Blogger Template.This template was very wonderfully designed,2 column Blogger(blogspot) template.This was originally a wordpress theme by Ophelia Nicholson of I converted that format to Blogger beta.
Look at the screenshot below and Live Demo and download this beautiful template here.

Creation template Screenshot

Please,read the following instructions carefully...

After downloading and uploading the xml file using the 'upload button' in the Templates �Edit html, you have to do a couple of things..
1.First change the top Navigation links to yours.
Change the navlinkshere is how to do that:
Scroll down the template and and you will find this below code..

and change the above links to yours..

2.Next, Change the date format by going to Settings �� Formatting

date header formatand change them like the below screenshot and Save the Change.

change the date header format like this
Hope you like the template! :) As I said earlier, this is just the start.. more lovely templates are on the way!
Thanks for your support!
READ MORE - Releasing Wonderful Blogger Template 'CREATION'

3 Column Blogger Template 'Pepper'

Here it is guys.. the todays template "Peppers 3 column Blogger Template".
Few people are asking me to design 3 column blogger templates over the past week and so.. So, here it is.. The template comes with well designed,fully packaged, 3 column dark Blogger layout.This wonderful design was first a wordpress theme designed by Jinsona of for users. I converted it into our friendly Blogger format!
Have a look at the below screenshot,look at the Live Demo here and download this awesome template here.

Peppers template screenshot

After downloading the template and installing it, you have to do a few things...

1.First,change the navigation links at the top.

edit the navlinks in the template Scroll down the template code and find this piece

and Change the links and the corresponding text there.

2.Next, change the Rss feed link to yours

Search for this code and change the feed url to yours.

change the rss feed link 3.Third one is, if you hav sites like 'make money online etc,.. you can put the advertisers banners in that place.. otherwise, you can put some clickable pictures in that area.
change the ad pictures just look for this code

If you don't want to have those ads.. just remove that piece of code.

More templates are on the way

READ MORE - 3 Column Blogger Template 'Pepper'

Download Furniture niche based Blogger Template "Communist"

Furniture niche Related Blogger Template 'Communist'-Download

Here is my today's Blogger Template 'Communist'.The Template well suits for any furniture or shopping related niche sites.It was well designed,two column with 3d rss button and beautiful navigation bar at the top.This was originally a wordpress theme by Jinsona of converted it to Blogger.

Have a look at the below screenshot or look at the Live Demo and download this beautiful template here.

Communist Blogger Template Screenshot

Please read the below instructions carefully

After downloading the template, unzip it and go to Templates �� Edit html and upload the xml file using the upload button and Save the Changes.

1.After that, you can change the top navigation links to yours.

change the navigation links to yours Go through the template and find this code

and change the Anchor Text and the corresponding links.

2.Next, change the Rss feedburner url to yours by simply finding this code below and replacing the feedburner url (http....feed.feedburner.. /yourfeed) to yours.

change the rss feedburner url 3.And the final important thing is change the date header format by going to Settings�� Formatting tab

Change the Date Header Format

Hope you like the template! Please leave a comment if you like the template or have any question to ask.

More template are on the way..... DON'T forget to comeback and download more beautiful templates.


Reply to Kaushik's Comment:

Hi Kaushik,If you post more than one post on a given day,.. the latest post will show the date.If you don't like this,.. here is the solution

go though the template code and find this: (it's around the 672 line)

and Replace it with this one

and Save the template and go to settings>>formatting and change the timestamp format which you like.

this works! :)

READ MORE - Download Furniture niche based Blogger Template "Communist"

Wonderful Blogger Template "Connexion" - download

Download Wonderful Blogger Template 'Connexion'-
Ok... as I promised before to design more and more Blogger templates for you guys.. here is my latest entry 'Connexion'.This was originally a wordpress theme designed by Jinsona of for users.I converted it to our friendly blogger :)

Take a look at the below screenshot or look at this Live Demo of the template and download here.

Connexion Blogger Template Screenshot

Please read the below instructions carefully:
After uploading the template using the upload button in "Template �� Edit html", you have to do a couple of things.
1.Change the top navigation links to your desired ones..

this is how to do:-

Scroll down the template untill you find this piece of code...

and Replace the anchor text (Home,pictures,etc) and add the corresponding link replacing the # symbol

2. Change the RSS Feed link. Find this code below

and Replace the feedburner link (http........./yourfeed) to your's and SAVE THE CHANGES.

Hope you like it! More template are on the way... don't forget to come back and check for updates!

READ MORE - Wonderful Blogger Template "Connexion" - download

"Field of Dreams" Blogger Template

Download Beautiful design Blogger Template "Field of Dreams"

Here is another wonderful Blogger Template for you guys "Field of Dreams". As you can see, the template is very good,professional looking two column blogger template. Originally it was a wordpress theme designed by I converted it to Blogger Format.Hope you like it :)


After downloading the template, Unzip it and upload the xml file using the upload template option in Template � Edit html

After uploading the template, you can convert the links and text at the top navbar (see the screenshot below)

Scroll down the template until you see this code:

Change the Anchor text (ex: Home,Pictures,Videos,Contact) and enter the corresponding url in between the a href tags


Hope you like my work! More template are coming very very soon..(atleast a template each day). Please don't forget back and check for updates.


Reply to Bernadette Anee's comment:

Go through the template code and find this

and replace the above code with this one

and Save the template.


Adding Time stamp to your blog:-

NOTE: This is for those who downloaded the template before August 22,2008


Go to Template � Edit html

and find this code (Control+F to search)

<span class='post-author'>

<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>

<data:top.authorLabel/> <>



and add this code just below the above code and Save the template.

<b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'> on



READ MORE - "Field of Dreams" Blogger Template

Charcoal Blogger Template

Download 'Charcoal' Xml Blogger Template:
Hello guys! Here I am back with another wonderful Blogger Template. I released a few Blogger Templates few days ago and found lots of people are using them! Thanks for all who downloaded my templates!
This theme was originally a Wordpress theme designed by Jinsona of
Here is the screenshot of the 'Charcoal' Blogger Template

Blogger Template Screenshot

Please Follow the below Instructions below carefully:
�� First Backup your current template before installing any template.
Go to Template � Edit html � and upload the downloaded xml template file (first extract the file) using the upload button.

and after installing the template, you have to do a few things.

1. Changing the top navigation links to your desired links.

top navbar Go through the template code till you see this piece of code

and Change the Anchor text and the respective links (#)

2.Change the Blogger Date Format.(so it suits the design)

Go to Settings � Formatting

and choose the type as shown in the below screenshot and Save the Changes.

and the last thing

3.Chage the feed and Technorati links

Go through the template code and Find this code

and Change the # links with the corresponding links.. For example,change the first # to your blog feedburner url... like,etc

Like the template or Have any questions to ask..?? Please leave a comment. thanks!

READ MORE - Charcoal Blogger Template

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