Most Wanted 15 jQuery Cheat Sheets for Web Developers

jQuery is the most popular java script library is used in greatly simplifies java script programming.Here I listed most popular and very useful jQuery cheat sheet collection on the Internet,for anyone who like to learn jQuery.You can get more cheat sheets mentioned here as pdf files or image(.png,.jpeg) files.

jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.


1. jQuery 1.4.2 Visual Cheat Sheet

jQuery Visual Cheat Sheet, the refined and updated version of the popular woork's jQuery Cheat Sheet. The new edition includes all the reference you will ever need for jQuery 1.4.2 API!

jQuery 1.4.2 Visual Cheat Sheet

Article :

Download :

2. jQuery 1.4 Cheat Sheet

This cheet sheet attempts to better align with the new documentation structure jQuery is now using and clearly marks all new and updated functions for jQuery 1.4.

jQuery 1.4 Cheat Sheet

Article :

Download :

3. jQuery Selectors

jQuery selectors are one of the most important aspects of the jQuery library. These selectors use familiar CSS syntax to allow page authors to quickly and easily identify any set of page elements to operate upon with the jQuery library methods. Understanding jQuery selectors is the key to using the jQuery library most effectively. This reference card puts the power of jQuery selectors at your very fingertips.

You must register(it is free) to get this cheat sheet.

jQuery Selectors

Article :

4. jQuery 1.4.4 API Cheat Sheet

jQuery 1.4.4 API Cheat Sheet

Article :

Download :

5. jQuery 1.3 cheat sheet wallpaper

jQuery 1.3 cheat sheet wallpaper

Article :

6. jQuery Cheat Sheet - jQuery 1.3.2

jQuery Cheat Sheet - jQuery 1.3.2

Article :

7. jQuery Cheat Sheet - jQuery 1.1.3

jQuery Cheat Sheet - jQuery 1.1.3

Article :

8. jQuery - YUI3 Rosetta Stone

jQuery - YUI3 Rosetta Stone

Article :

9. jQuery 1.3 Cheatsheet

jQuery 1.3 Cheatsheet

Article :

10. jQuery 1.3 Visual Cheat Sheet

jQuery 1.3 Visual Cheat Sheet

Article :

Download :

11. jQuery cheatsheet wallpaper

jQuery cheatsheet wallpaper

Article :

Download :

12. jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet (

jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet (

Article :

13. jTouch � jQuery Cheat Sheet for iPhone

jTouch � jQuery Cheat Sheet for iPhone

Article :

14. jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet

jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet

Article :

Download :

15. jQuery Selectors by

jQuery Selectors by

Article :
READ MORE - Most Wanted 15 jQuery Cheat Sheets for Web Developers

How To Add Energy Saving Mode For Blogs or Websites

This is a free service and it is provided by standby engine is deliver a fully functional and simple way to help your website run requiring less energy to generate. It hides heavy animations, covers the window in dark colors (as these, in many cases are less energy consuming) and pauses heavily running background processes.

When your visitors are inactive, this engine launch a standby screen, with the text "Energy saving mode".

Energy Saving Mode For Blogs or Websites

This is very easy to add to your website or blog with in few seconds.

Login to your Blogger dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML.

You don't need to click on "Expand Widget Templates".

Scroll down to where you see the </head> tag of your template.

Now copy below code and paste it just before the </head> tag.

<script language='javascript' src='' type='text/javascript'/>

This standby engine uses the jQuery Javascript library, so if you are using other Javascript libraries or code, add below code instead of above code :

<script language='javascript' src='' type='text/javascript'/>


Time of inactivity

Also you can easily define how long time your visitors have to be inactive, for the engine to launch the standby screen, by adding ?time=X where X should be replaced with the number of seconds you would like to define the time interval. An example could be:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

... which will set the time of inactivity to 2 minutes (120 seconds).

This can be configured to display in any of the supported languages, if you add ?lang=code, where code is one of the language short codes below.

Supported languages

ak - Akan
da - Danish
de - German
en - English
es - Spanish
fr - French
fi - Filipino
gr - Greek
hr - Croatian
id - Indonesian
jp - Japanese
it - Italian
nl - Dutch
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
bpt - Brazilian Portuguese
ro - Romanian
sl - Slovenian
se - Swedish
sk - Slovak
sw - Swahili
tr - Turkish
vi - Vietnamese

The following example will be using Spanish for the standby screen:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

If you are using WordPress, just download their plugin, activate it and everything should work instantly.
READ MORE - How To Add Energy Saving Mode For Blogs or Websites

How To Fix PNG Transparency Problem in Internet Explorer 6

If you are using Internet Explorer version 6, you can see png images of web pages showing inside a white background. It add a bad appearance to your website or blog.This is a problem because still some people are using Internet Explorer version 6,it is the default browser for windows XP.So this quick and simple tutorial will show you how to fix this PNG transparency problem in Internet Explorer 6.

Login to your Blogger dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML.

You don't need to click on "Expand Widget Templates".

Scroll down to where you see the </head> tag of your template.

Now copy below code and paste it just before the </head> tag.

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
I have hosted "unitpngfix.js" file on google code.

Note : Best thing is, hosting this "unitpngfix.js" file yourself.So you can download it from HERE.

Now save your template and you are done.You can check updates and more details of this script from
READ MORE - How To Fix PNG Transparency Problem in Internet Explorer 6

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